Inexplicably, this one made me saddest. I remembered when a year ago I met Chao in Ilokivi and we made the bike deal; and the next day (it was a Wednesday) I came to Giovanni and Chao's place and took it precisely from this spot. Seeing it again so suddenly broke the wall of after-haps and flooded me with the crisp sensation of the inexplored and infinite newness that was Finland then. It was a winter-scented clear space ahead and around, vibrating with worlds and excitements waiting for me to wander their way. Now it is passed, it is behind me, and it pains me a little to unexpectedly get an ephemeral tinge of that rich, youthful, unabridged feel of the breaking dawn of Finland, knowing it is nothing more than an interestingly glowing light behind me growing dimmer and smaller now.
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