Saturday, September 29, 2007


Opening post. Thanks to everyone who may read this.

Currently in Finland, where I like it a lot, but still get occasional tinges of uncertainty. I miss my friends really badly of late, and I start wondering, perhaps the only unwasted time is time spent with them? Can't really answer for myself. I can't stop recalling our growing friends several years ago, and I can't help feeling a strong pull of nostalgia, and a faint feeling of something lost. I guess it's the living-in-the-past thing again, but can't be sure of that either.

Anyway. Weather is gloomy, but the trees are still colourful, so it's nice to look out of the window. If I were home now, I would be drinking coffee with milk and re-reading Harry Potter for the umptheenth time. I should be reading the Moomin stories here actually, but I can't get around to doing it.

Went to the Manhattan Film Festival last night, it was a great idea, I miss cinema a lot. I seem to miss a lot of things, and this can't be good. I need a strategy to start living in the present. Although I was living in the present these past 4 weeks, and I can't say anything productive sprang out of it all.

That's it for now. Blogs are fun. Be back later!


  1. Your past is something what can make you either rich or poor. You are lucky to be enriched by your friends and those moments which you have shared with them. However living-in-the past is like sinking. Try to take a deep breath and appreciate all present moments before they become your past.

    I’m jealous of your smooth style of writing in English… It’s nice to read what you have wrote here. Hugs for my lovely flat mate :)

  2. Мило слънчице,
    ние винаги ще бъдем с теб и ще те чакаме.
    Приятелството не познава граници и смърт. То е вечно, то е за всички нас - нима случайно сме се срещнали с всички Вас?

  3. Ама Бени, това си ти!!!!!!БЛагодаря ти толкова много за коментарите и а това, че си прочела постовете ми!

    Целувам те и те прегръщам силно!!!

  4. Йоу, ето ти още един глупав коментар от мен, този поне дано не звучи мега помпозно след 8 години <3
