Work defies real life in my definition.
Anyway, an odd "What I did in my summer vacation" post seems to be in order.
I had full 4 weeks, which I think I sapped as well as I could without turning enjoyment into a goal to be achieved. Some engagements did occur, and time seemed abridged, because I was able to see its end. When I can see the limits of a time period, my mindset becomes limited too... I seem unable to start any projects with indefinite duration or unidentifiable aim, like writing, or even mundane time-consuming stuff like classifying my picture prints or my books, or my old diaries - things I enjoy doing immensely, but somehow seem to find my limited time here too precious to devote it to activitie which deserve a free state of mind to be done justice.
Week 1: Istanbul! Bjork!!!!! A wonderful, spirited experience in a youthful and motley city with exquisite details, though just 5 days in duration. Highlights include the concert, of course, and Starbucks cinnamon chewing gum (post-coffee), an independent shop for bold accessories and clothes, the numerous cats and kitties, Istanbul Modern! My God!, a delicious lamb meatballs wrap, spiced mussels with rice on the bridge straight from the shell, cafes with finesse, free tea after every meal, the lovely Indian family we met at the hostel, the air-conditioned tram to the touristy area - and more, certainly, and here are some pictures:

Well, I spent the last 3 days of that week at home, tying to get as a much sleep as possible. Visited my grandfather, who loaded us with cornels, honey with the wax, apples and sheep cheese, and our Medovo houses. And highlight of week! Stoycho!!! <3 a="" all="" as="" at="" br="" but="" close="" even="" ever="" happiness="" he="" him="" it="" morning="" of="" one="" only="" precious="" remains.="" seeing="" shave...="" such="" the="" was="" when="">
Week 2: Work. That one isn't that exciting, but my father bought me a bun and made coffee for me every morning; and on Wednesday I started running in the evenings. Went to the open-air cinema with my mother on Friday. I watched House MD before bed too, and I had missed the guy intensely! Oh, there was the Olympics, too, which I followed on a daily basis and commented fervently with my father in-between work. I was finally reunited with Tony!!! Actually, not a bad week after all ;)
Weeks 3: Beach week! No work, the sea, calamari, and quite a succesful attempt at making a mini-remake of the bissful 2006 summer Tony and I had. Zori visisted, I had my birthday on the beach (and I had TEHMOST DELICIOUS cake evah!!!), I got postcards from Poland, and the cult Pomorie band Artery sang a song especially for me :D Zori loved the Great Salt Lake, took like 1000 pictures, made fun of my new night activity, called Pomorie romantic and was lovely as usual all around (except for a well stewed (2 years) accusation she served me). Zori and I went ot Burgas and met Zhivko as well. Olympics were still on, and we watched the rhythmic gymnastics together. Beach with Tony every day! That one week was a gem in my calendar. Well, I hurt both my knees while running, but that's a small price to pay for the other week home it earned me!

Week 4: Supposed to be work week, but I got no work for Monday, whch I wasted riveted in the armchair waiting for it - but met Hrisi and Judith in the evening, which was quite a treat, never having really believed I'd see her again. She looked beautiful and well. Worked a bit on Tue, and met Grisha in the evening. No work on Wed either, but this time I took my towel and went to the beach (where I engaged in an explosive sexism discussion with a bunch of guys). Thu, work, Fri - beach! and work too, though. Tony and I went back to the golden beach and soaps regime, messasing each other 10 times a day and discussing everything from soap coma characters' make-up to cinema and the USA elections, and laughing like madwomen, of course. God, am I going to miss this. I'm clutching it like a safebelt now.
Activites spanning all four weeks: water-melon eating, CoS surfing, small-hours chatting, House MD before bed in the attic, night ice-scream snacks, calamari eating, indiscriminate devouring of all kinds of TV programmes and way too little sleep :D
Tomorrow is my last day of beach, and then I have to pack my bags and leave for that horrendous city. D; Pomorie summers with friends, family and soaps are turning from a given to a dream getaway.3>
Anyway, an odd "What I did in my summer vacation" post seems to be in order.
I had full 4 weeks, which I think I sapped as well as I could without turning enjoyment into a goal to be achieved. Some engagements did occur, and time seemed abridged, because I was able to see its end. When I can see the limits of a time period, my mindset becomes limited too... I seem unable to start any projects with indefinite duration or unidentifiable aim, like writing, or even mundane time-consuming stuff like classifying my picture prints or my books, or my old diaries - things I enjoy doing immensely, but somehow seem to find my limited time here too precious to devote it to activitie which deserve a free state of mind to be done justice.
Week 1: Istanbul! Bjork!!!!! A wonderful, spirited experience in a youthful and motley city with exquisite details, though just 5 days in duration. Highlights include the concert, of course, and Starbucks cinnamon chewing gum (post-coffee), an independent shop for bold accessories and clothes, the numerous cats and kitties, Istanbul Modern! My God!, a delicious lamb meatballs wrap, spiced mussels with rice on the bridge straight from the shell, cafes with finesse, free tea after every meal, the lovely Indian family we met at the hostel, the air-conditioned tram to the touristy area - and more, certainly, and here are some pictures:

Well, I spent the last 3 days of that week at home, tying to get as a much sleep as possible. Visited my grandfather, who loaded us with cornels, honey with the wax, apples and sheep cheese, and our Medovo houses. And highlight of week! Stoycho!!! <3 a="" all="" as="" at="" br="" but="" close="" even="" ever="" happiness="" he="" him="" it="" morning="" of="" one="" only="" precious="" remains.="" seeing="" shave...="" such="" the="" was="" when="">
Week 2: Work. That one isn't that exciting, but my father bought me a bun and made coffee for me every morning; and on Wednesday I started running in the evenings. Went to the open-air cinema with my mother on Friday. I watched House MD before bed too, and I had missed the guy intensely! Oh, there was the Olympics, too, which I followed on a daily basis and commented fervently with my father in-between work. I was finally reunited with Tony!!! Actually, not a bad week after all ;)
Weeks 3: Beach week! No work, the sea, calamari, and quite a succesful attempt at making a mini-remake of the bissful 2006 summer Tony and I had. Zori visisted, I had my birthday on the beach (and I had TEHMOST DELICIOUS cake evah!!!), I got postcards from Poland, and the cult Pomorie band Artery sang a song especially for me :D Zori loved the Great Salt Lake, took like 1000 pictures, made fun of my new night activity, called Pomorie romantic and was lovely as usual all around (except for a well stewed (2 years) accusation she served me). Zori and I went ot Burgas and met Zhivko as well. Olympics were still on, and we watched the rhythmic gymnastics together. Beach with Tony every day! That one week was a gem in my calendar. Well, I hurt both my knees while running, but that's a small price to pay for the other week home it earned me!

Week 4: Supposed to be work week, but I got no work for Monday, whch I wasted riveted in the armchair waiting for it - but met Hrisi and Judith in the evening, which was quite a treat, never having really believed I'd see her again. She looked beautiful and well. Worked a bit on Tue, and met Grisha in the evening. No work on Wed either, but this time I took my towel and went to the beach (where I engaged in an explosive sexism discussion with a bunch of guys). Thu, work, Fri - beach! and work too, though. Tony and I went back to the golden beach and soaps regime, messasing each other 10 times a day and discussing everything from soap coma characters' make-up to cinema and the USA elections, and laughing like madwomen, of course. God, am I going to miss this. I'm clutching it like a safebelt now.
Activites spanning all four weeks: water-melon eating, CoS surfing, small-hours chatting, House MD before bed in the attic, night ice-scream snacks, calamari eating, indiscriminate devouring of all kinds of TV programmes and way too little sleep :D
Tomorrow is my last day of beach, and then I have to pack my bags and leave for that horrendous city. D; Pomorie summers with friends, family and soaps are turning from a given to a dream getaway.3>